Benefits the UK Film Industry brings
“London’s screen industries are a global success story” – Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London
The Office for National Statistics figures show that since 2014 the economic value of the UK’s film, TV and music industries has grown 72.4%, compared with just 8.5% across the European Union. This boom is being fuelled by Hollywood studios increasingly choosing to shoot big-budget films in the UK, attracted by significant government tax breaks, as well as access to top-class on- and off-screen talent and studio facilities.
The BFI produces an annual statistical yearbook presenting updated statistics on UK film and the UK film industry.
It benefits the borough & its communities
We manage filming in Newham to maximise benefits for the council, its residents and businesses to provide community benefits that extend borough wide – not just in the areas that filming takes place.
Our work brings together the film industry, local community and voluntary sectors to provide training and development including work placement and employment opportunities for enthusiastic local residents wishing to gain experience and pursue a career in the industry.
Areas that accommodate filming benefit from significant ‘local spend’ by productions – through use of cafes, restaurants, hire of properties, accommodation providers, parking and green room hire. Industry research has shown for every £1 spent directly to the local authority local spend is on average £1.54. We ensure film crews use local services / charities wherever possible to reduce the impact of filming on location.
Voluntary Donations – for areas of high-level filming we obtain donations, including for local TRAs and Community Groups in order to fund and support their important community work, improving the daily lives of residents in direct, tangible ways.
These are voluntary and not legal requirements and must be brokered by Newham Film Office in order that a reasonable balance is maintained for all parties. We ensure donations go to bona fide associations / groups and may from time to time seek to confirm group status / membership, in order to provide support.
Join In & Get Involved
Q? How can I / we get involved?
See our FAQs for answers to the most asked questions
I want my house / property used for filming, what should I do?
Registering your property with The Film Office is a fantastic way to get involved – generating you an income while experiencing behind the scenes action at your property.
Follow us, receive our newsletter and watch out for our news articles!
We publish training and networking opportunities, promote borough filming and locations and support aspiring filmmakers, connecting them to industry partners.
Study / Training Opportunities – in Newham
Q? What opportunities are there to get involved in filming taking place, study filming, learn more about production or seek training opportunities?
Study / Training Opportunities – in London / Elsewhere
- Call Time Company
- The Production Guild
- ScreenSkills
- London Film School
- MET Film School
- Four Corners (Also a local provider for Equipment Hire)